Friday, June 21, 2013

God Is Good All The Time

I had prayed that I could see the path that God has put us on. Well If you look back the path is quite clear. Just this week so many things have gone right for us.  That is very impressive with all the stuff that has happened to Oklahoma in the past month.
This has been a pretty good week! I have been working with John Miller Homes and we have started work on a storm damaged home.  This is the house with the new roof, but all the windows were still broken
 They all looked like this...

The cool thing about this project is that is the house of the parents of a friend from High school. It’s sad when tornados do so much damage, but I am very happy to be part of the crew that is putting the home back together. Part of the roof was torn off almost all the windows in the house were broken and the work shop in the back yard was leveled. All in all not bad for what happened in Moore. The house next door had plywood sticking out of the walls
and the house across the street is just gone.  The trees that were on that lot were ripped out of the ground. The house sat behind the telephone polls and the pile of rubble next to the driveway, is all that is left of this house.
That is the difference between a direct hit from a F5 tornado and missing that tornado by 200 yards.                                                                                   Working with Lonnie has been great.
He really knows what he is doing, he is another survivor of Yukon High and he always has a smile. His good friend Jonny worked with us most of the week until the band he plays for went on the road. Jonny is a drummer... Jonny Walker is a drummer... What an excellent name for a drummer. So for most of the week it was Lonnie, Jonny,... and Bob.  Wow it's like the new stooges.

Other great news LRDezine, the business Linda and I started last week has been active. Less than 12 hours of sending our web page live, we had booked our first consultation. Thursday night we picked up our new business cards and pamphlets,
and Friday morning we participated in the Yukon Chamber of Commerce’s Friday coffee. This week’s coffee was called Stores without Doors. Normally a store hosts the coffee and everyone goes there and checks out their business but for all the home based business in town we go to the Dale Robertson Center and put up tables and highlight our business to the rest of the chamber. It was a great time we gave out lots of cards and brochures and booked another consultation. Now let’s turn the consultations into jobs.
Linda has applied for a position as an office manager for a company in the city if that comes through that will be a blessing. They know she homeschools and they are ok with Josh coming to work.
So overall a good week and I can see the starting points to the path that God is leading us, income right away, a business, and hope. Now if you would like to check out the new web site for LRDezine then go to or go like us on Facebook.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

On your mark, Get set, Go!!!

Life is funny!  Sometimes it is ha, ha funny like “Three men walk into a bar…don’t you think the third one would have ducked?”  Then there is the odd funny that makes you think. Well today is that odd kind of funny. 

I have been working this week with John Miller Homes.  This is what I was doing before I got the Job with Mid-States. Life as a painter is not that bad at all. I have been taken under the wing by Lonnie, a long time painter. He has been showing me the ropes and making this time a lot of fun.
Todays lesson is that rain is no good for paining.

 I plan on helping out with the painting until…..wait for it …. LRDezine takes off. 

Now you may ask, what is LRDezine? I would say that is a very good question.  LRdezine is Linda and Robert Design, our new company that we started today.  First, we will be offering organization help for the person who has lost the time to organize. Second, we will create systems for companies who need to organize anything from their inventory to their daily paperwork. Third, consultation for anyone who wants to get started organizing but does not know where to start.

Why is this an odd funny thing? Last week prayed that I can’t wait to look back and see the path that God has lead us through to get where He wants us. Today I see part of that path. Yes that is cool but it also just makes me stop and re-mind myself, God listens and he answers. All I got to say is “Wow”!

Coming soon our web page and business cards (in the works now) and a face book page (to be started soon). I you are local come by and join us next Friday for the Yukon Chamber of Commerce coffee.  It will be on the 21st at the Dale Robinson Center at 8am.  
Added Note: Last night was Brandon N's Eagle Court of Honor. 
So, I volunteered to cook. Unfortunately that meant I had to miss the Court of Honor and sit with my fire while the cobblers baked.

As I was finishing up The Scout Master, Chuck comes out and says I need to get into the church. When I arrived in the sanctuary Brandon awarded me a mentor pin. The Silly punk made me cry. Like I said he is a good kid.