Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Don't Forget

Well if you have been following this blog you know how much I Lovvvvvvveeeeeee  looking for employees.   So when I got finished with the interviews I was a very happy Bob. Too much of my chagrin  it is not but a short month latter I am not so happy, and here is why…


Hey Michael! Do you know what you forgot?  To come to work!  Yes, that’s right Michael just stopped coming to work. Well that is true but there is more to the story.  Michael interns at a local sports radio station and has been given the opportunity to do bigger and more exciting things. I wish him the best and hope he gets his own show soon. Till then we will just have to see how Michael 2.0 works out. Andrew  will be filling out paperwork tomorrow.

 Now for the other news that’s not fit to print.

So for the third time this year I am trying to set up an auction.  As of yesterday we were heading for a nice auction then today happened.  
Linda has been doing a great job keeping the paperwork straight,  so today she was going through the Yukon Reviews Saturday’s paper to cut out the legal posting when she noticed there was no legal posting.  That is right; they only ran the notice for one week not two.  That just scrapped the auction for another 16 days.  When you pay $78 to the paper you hope that they know what they are doing.  Well that didn’t stop them from putting a big monkey wrench into our auction.   So on to plan “B”. 

The Yukon Review has offered to pay us back the$78 and run the notice for the next two weeks.  Linda is reprinting the notices with the new date.  We will be mailing them tomorrow.  The new auction date will be next month on the 4th.  

 If we can get the legales posted on time.

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