Monday, April 8, 2013

A Day in the Life

I have now started the second week of my new job and it is going well.
Ok, it is going well, but boy am I tired at the end of the day. This is tired, watch out for the signs of tired, If you feel the signs of tired coming upon you, please seek a bed as soon as possible. Remember friends let friends sleep.
Last Friday one of the long term temps was let go.  When working as a temp the employer does not need to give you warning.  An employer can just say don't come in tomorrow and that is the end of your job. Now get a load of how this new company works.
On Monday morning the boss went to this temp and said your in the reorder of the company your job did not get picked up Friday will be your last day.  She could have bolted for the door right then, and that is the risk my boss took. Since he was stand up to her she responded by being disappointed, but stuck it out all week. During that week she got all her work done and helped others to get situated for when we did not have her to go to.  One of those people was of course me.
On Friday the boss brought his smoker and his grill and cooked up a great chicken lunch to say thank you. The other workers brought sides and made it a feast.
This is the way to let someone go

On a side note you will notice I will not use names when discussing my new job, the reason is it is a big company that has their own PR department.  The PR department likes to control what goes out and does not need or want my help.  You know... I am OK with that. This job has been a lot of fun so far and I like the people I am working with so I can play with their rules.

So let me show you what I can

A small Part of the warehouse where I spend most of my time.

and the leftovers from the farewell feast.

I hope to post some Boy Scout news soon.

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