Monday, March 12, 2012

The Crap Hit the Fan Today

Can you guess what this is?


If you said “Gee Whiz Bob, that looks like the start of a Police Report”. I would say “go to the head of the class. I would then make fun of you for saying Gee Whiz.

This was a tough weekend for me. I had some situations happen that made me really check my gut reaction. Well Monday is here and it is time to go make things happen at the new storage facility… or is it? When I woke up this morning I had no idea that two very low life’s had broken into 18 different units or vehicles last night. I can’t show pictures of the effected units or even tell you how it was done. (We need to remember the privacy of our tenants). Now is the time to talk to about how to protect your belongings while they are in storage.

First do not let everyone know that you are using storage. The fewer people who know is best. If you use a moving company pack in unmarked boxes. Instead of writing mom’s good china, or Dad’s antique guns just mark the box with color so that you now all blue marked boxes go to dad’s study and green is for the kitchen.

Next Pack your unit to the gills, I mean fill every space possible. When someone opens the door it should be a solid wall of unmarked boxes and they should say “Whoa! I do not even want to take the time to figure this out”.

Go spend some money on a good lock. The cheapest lock you should look at is a Disk Lock Spend 10 to 20 dollars. Every space that was broken into last night was a standard lock. With the exception of on that was a school gym locker. The truth is locks keep honest people honest, so use a lock that will keep the most people honest.

Finally get your self some insurance. Self storage companies do not carry insurance on your property. You can sue a storage company for your losses but you will lose. When you sign a contract with a storage company you are in an agreement that the company will not carry any kind of policy for your stuff. Have I made myself clear No Self Storage Provider Will Cover You Stuff With Any Kind Of Policy. Now some Companies will offer a pay with your rent Policy, these are not bad policies so look closely at them, but they are not the provider or the insurer they are only a go between. The big point make sure you are covered with some kind of policy. Check your homeowner or renter policy to see if they cover you. No mater what it is your responsibility and no one else.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this great article. It provides great information for newcomers.

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