Friday, March 30, 2012

A Critical Mass Moment

Sometimes a Friday is just another day of the week, then there are days like today. I manage a small storage that we are growing into a medium size storage. With that growth comes more business which is great. Then all of a sudden you get a critical mass moment (we will call this a CMM).

Friday morning started out fairly normal I did some paperwork and then left the facility to help count money at the Car Wash. As I was leaving I received a request for help from a friend of mine, not a real problem He needs my help for about two minutes and he is willing to come by the storage. I have 55 minutes to travel one mile clear the bays and get back to the office. I should be back with about 20 minutes to spare.

When I got to Access we got right to work for about 5 minutes then we ran into a problem locking up one of the bill collectors. Once we got that put together a customer had a problem with a wash bay. Then almost immediately another customer wanted to pay a bill. When ever one of us stops the collection or the count then both of us have to stop. It is call two deep coverage and makes sure we get the most accurate count, with the highest security. High security does not make for quickest count.

We get back on track and the customer who paid the bill is now having trouble opening her door. Ok we stop again and we fix this, and back to the collection. As we get into the office I get a call from my friend that he has arrived at my office so I tell him to give me 10 minutes and I will kick it into high gear. High gear makes me 10 dollars off on my count. It was not a hard fix but at this point I had to throw in the towel. I called my friend and apologized, but work needed to come first. Dave is great and didn’t have a problem. I finished my count and got back to the office in time to kill weeds.

Killing weeds is a calming activity.

The I actually went to lunch with my youngest son. I don not take many lunches and this was a special treat.

Back to work! All I have left on the to do list is close out this day and make sure I am caught up on all deposits. No problem, its 2:15 and I can get this done in about 45 minutes. First I just need to help this customer who pulled in at the same time as I did. 20 minutes latter she has seen all the space sizes, knows the prices and specials, and leaves to go talk it over with hubby. Then the phone starts, and the parade of payments. Someone I talked to weeks ago comes in to rent a space (Yea!!). When the dust settles it 4:30 and I still haven’t started close out. (My eyes are bugging out a little) I love the business we are having but it is hitting as a CMM.

Ok time to get tough I jam out my close out, swing by Access and pick up Johns close out and off to the bank.

Have you ever had a Star Wars moment, that is when you look at something and say “ I have a bad feeling about this”. That is me pulling into the bank. The line at the commercial window is long. And I get a text from my wife to meet another friend of ours at the storage to talk about a special storage need. Not a problem the line is actually moving! I can be there at this rate by 5:30.

This is what it looked like at the time of the text.

This is what it looked like 13 minutes latter.

And this is what it looked like 15 minutes after that…

5:40 I finally left the bank, and our friend had to wait till 5:45 till I got back to the office. I love having business, I love making the company money, but I hate making anyone wait.

The last chapter…. My wife had pizza and wine for dinner. Now that was sweet.

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