Thursday, September 6, 2012

Auction day

Today was Auction day!!!(Actually it was two days ago, it took some time to get back to the blog).   And I did not take one photo.  My apologies to all.  This was one of the best auctions I have had since I started managing here in Yukon.  Ok that is not totally true, this was Linda’s  first auction ever, and it was her site that really rocked today.

The auction started at Guardian Storage at 10: 00 am.  We had a total of 11 bidders signed in, that is 7 more than I have had here in three years.   With that increase we got the first of the, I know what  I doing and if you don’t believe me just watch me strut around, bidder.  I will call him the whistler.  This guy is a great example of someone who watches too much Storage Wars.  At least I hope he watches too much Storage Wars…. Gee, if he is naturally that much of a self-centered person his mama needs slapped.   This guy was so obnoxious it was almost fun to watch.  He would talk and talk , and when he was not talking he was whistling.  He was the first one to look in the door of a unit and the last to leave and he would stand in front of anyone else trying to look.  As the saying goes “Karma is a Bitch”.  

The first unit that went up on the auction block was a very nice room full of house hold stuff.  The whistler jumped into the fray early.  The bidding moved quickly and he would up anyone’s bid $25 even before they could get the bid out.  Around $300 it was down to the Whistler and the Big Spender.  The Big Spender was this nice guy who ended up buying the most units. I could tell the Big Spender was starting to wear down the Whistler because the bidding was slowing down. When the Big Spender hit $400 there was a long pause by the whistler as he looked and leaned as much as he could into the space.  At this point I was done and started to call for a final bid when out of the blue our First Timer chimed in with a bid of $425 The Big Spender nodded to the First Timer  to let her have the space I called out $425 going , going , gone.  With that the Whistler turned around and looked at me with a”what just happened” look.  I think he might have thought he had said the bid, but he did not and the First Timer got a real good deal. 

This is the way the bidding went for the other spaces, if the Whistler went after a space the Big Spender would out bid him or let someone else.  At the close of the Guardian Auction the Whistler was not whistling anymore and made a hasty retreat off the property.  So hasty that Linda and I, and several bidders made sure to get out of the way so not to be run over.  The lesson to learn here is to play nice with others. If you try to be the big dog of the pen you might just get bit.
Here is a picture of our Big dog

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