Thursday, September 20, 2012

Todays Fun

I noticed yesterday that the water level in the sump of bay four was kind of high.  Well today it was within an inch of overflowing so I guess it was time to do something.

Unfortunately, I know what that entails, me grabbing the shovel and finding the clog.  So I spent most of the morning digging through some of the most disgusting muck.  Now when it comes to muck I know my muck.  Back in California I have had many sewer moments. In fact I may have to tell those stories at another time. For now please accept the fact that I am an expert in the field of disgusting muck and when I say that the odor that came off of this decomposing pile of putrid slime was special, then it really was.

After about an hour I found the drain hole and as expected it was clogged.  Now I need to know how bad,  bad is. To do this I am going to stick my hand down there and feel around.  Who here remembers the scene in the first Star Wars movie ( I do mean the first one made not the crap they tried to pass off years latter) When the heroes are stuck in the trash compactor.  For some reason every time I stuck my hand into the slime I kept thinking of Luke. 

Two hours now have gone by and I can reach no further.  So back to the office I go to clean up and come up with plan “B”.  Unfortunately the only thing I got left is calling in a company to clean out the sumps and that is going to cost a pretty penny. While I am in the office My good buddy and friend Dave Liszeski Stops by to say hi. I should mention that besides being a great guy, District Commissioner of the Boy Scouts, and one of the guys voted not able to post my bail because he is in jail with me…..he is also a plumber extraordinaire. 

He never went out to the sump, he just listed to my ranting  and says “ I got what you need” and he goes out to his truck and brings back this,


This is a homemade pipe rooter of his own creation. Just hook it to a hose, stick it into the pipe, and turn on the water.


So I did. With the help of John who came in at 1:00 today, I followed Dave’s instructions and inside of three minutes that pipe was clear and the water was draining like it should.



A happy Bob once again……a smelly Bob, yes, but a happy Bob never the less.

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